Those of us, who participate as facilitators aim to be present in the groups for a whole week, four hours every day, turning our full attention toward the group and by our empathic, accepting, and congruent presence try to help group members in encountering themselves and each other.
Facilitators of the small groups (individuals or pairs) will be clearly announced.
If you want to be a facilitator you should consider that it means that you are ready to be present in a small (10-15 members) group for a whole week, four hours every day, turning your full attention toward the group and by your empathic, accepting, and congruent presence helping group members in encountering themselves and each other.
Facilitators at the 2024 Workshop
Person-centered counsellor
Mental health expert
Mediator, actor, and director (RS9 Theatre)
Individual and group therapist
Pair and family therapist studies
Working for Nap kör Mentálhigiénés Alapítvány
Under the supervision of Dr. Ratkóczi Éva
specialized in borderline clients using Marsha Linehan’s method and of course Rogers’s method as a basic attitude
I have been participating in CCC each & every summer for 10 years in Pécs as a co-facilitator since I became a PCA counselor in 2013. I can’t get bored of it ! The fascinatingly wide range of differences in us make me feel astonished whenever we are together. I regularly come to Pécs without having any clue what the outcome would be and I haven’t got any expectations either. However, so far I have always left with a much more expanded and a more lovable inner world than I could have foreseen.
Probably that is why I am able to trust the process the whole time.
Forty years ago I attended a three-year training In PCA and it had a great effect on my life. I left my job at the Technical University of Budapest and concentrated my efforts to humanize teacher training in Szeged. In 1984 and in 1986, I invited Carl Rogers and his coworkers to the first Hungarian Cross-Cultural Communication workshops. We try to revive the spirit of these each summer since 2009. I believe that congruence, unconditional positive regard, and empathy – if they are realized as a “way of being” – improve the quality of life in families, schools, and the workplace.
I work as a person-centred psychotherapist with individuals, couples, and groups for more than ten years now, in my private practice in Bucharest, Romania.
The Encounter Group it is an extraordinary resource for anyone and one of the most important tools of the Person Centred Approach.
For me the Encounter Group and especially facilitating, challenges and helps me with my personal and professional development.
I like meeting others in their fullness and I enjoy being together.
Angoltanár, személyközpontú tanácsadó, encounter-csoport facilitátor és jógaoktató vagyok. 2009-ben a szegedi CCC-n lettem encounter-rajongó, de történetem a személyközpontúságban több mint 30 évvel ezelőtt kezdődött, amikor elkezdtem az angoltanár képzésemet. 2009 óta közel 3000 órát töltöttem kisebb nagyobb, facilitált és kinevezett facilitátor nélküli csoportokban, résztvevőként és facilitátorként, Magyarországon és külföldön is.
As a training psychodrama facilitator, supervisor, and playback theatre game master, I help individuals, groups, and communities using the creative possibilities of spontaneity. Since 2014, I have experienced the liberating power of free thinking, free speech and free action at every CCC. During these 10 years, meeting the present has become particularly important for me. What I am most concerned about is what we need in order to connect with the present in small and large groups and workshops and to be able to articulate our primary feelings, desires and doubts that are really born in the present.